The Sacred Thread of Yoga

Five-Day Iyengar Yoga Intensive

Some notes to help you select your classes (continued)

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I. Sat (Asana & Pranayama)
II. Chit (Special Teachings & Insights)
III. Ananda (Particular Interests)

I. Sat (Asana & Pranayama)
The classes that are the core of Iyengar Yoga. Many will be "general" classes covering a broad range of asanas. Others will specialize on particular themes or topics such as knees, backs, viloma pranayama and so forth. Lengths and difficulty levels will vary widely. Please be sure to check that you are in a class appropriate to your practice level, competence, knowledge and interests because some classes will require more familiarity with the Iyengar system. Types and levels are indicated by a series of icons)

II. Chit (Special Teachings & Insights)
BKS Iyengar and his daughter and son Geeta and Prashant are justly famous for their gifted insights into yoga, and for the work they have done using props and promoting the therapeutic and remedial aspects of yoga. Presenters in these sessions will pass on particurlar insights and lessons they have learned from the Iyengar family that were particularly helpful or revelatory to them personally, in many cases making all the difference between being able to continue in yoga, or giving up altogether.

III. Ananda (Particular Interests)
In these sessions Presenters will teach about particular interests, both inside and outside yoga, that they have developed invariably because of the inspiration and encouragement they have received from Guruji, Geetaji and Prashantji.

(You can see some examples of classes here) || Previous | Next







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