The Sacred Thread of Yoga

Type of Class: [D] Off The Mat / Giving Back

Some notes to help you select your classes

Yoga and yogis are a part of life. No matter how much time the may spend in private practice, when that practice ends modern yogis must engage with this uniquely modern world. Many teachers and practitioners of yoga have opened up their hearts and lives to society and involved themselves in a wide range of social and community projects. Many renowned teachers and practitioners have become leaders in their own and in global communities. Yoga that they enact the universal and timeless principles codified by Sage Patanjali. These sessions will contain many inspiring and uplifting stories of yogis spreading the dharma through their work with AIDS, prisons, children, animal welfare, hospice work, in war zones, environmental activism, political action and the like. (Sessions can vary from 1 to 2 hrs).

These classes are marked in the online and printed schedules with a lime green circle

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{[A] On the Mat / Asana}{[B] Breath and Energy}{[C] "The Divine Is Within" / "Feeling The Presence"}{[E] The Sacred Thread of Yoga}{[F] Living in the Tradition}







Sacred Thread

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